EFCW Statement on Lambeth revision to Calls 2.3 27th July 2022

The Evangelical Fellowship of the Church in Wales (EFCW) affirms the original draft text of the Lambeth Call on Human Dignity 2.3 as a clear and gracious statement of biblical truth. We understand some will disagree with Lambeth Resolution I.10 (1998) and this “plurality of views” was recognised, but, given the clear and fulsome affirmation of the dignity of all people in the original 2.3, we consider it untrue and unfair to state that this “undermines and subverts the dignity of an integral part of our community.”1 With the addition of the third response option, “This Call does not speak for me …”, those who disagreed were rightly given chance to make their voice clear. However, it is the clearly expressed will of our Anglican sisters and brothers in the majority world that I.10 (1998) be re-affirmed2 – surely their voices must be heard too? We consider it unacceptable that the new version of 2.3 fails to respect the wish of the Anglican churches of the Global South, and many in other provinces who agree with them, to have the opportunity to clearly affirm I.10 (1998) and we urge that 2.3 be re-drafted to enable them to do so. As it stands, whatever view one takes on I.10 (1998), it is hard to know which of the 3 ‘Call’ responses one would give to 2.3 since it is now so ambiguous, which is surely not a satisfactory outcome.



The image below is of the original call.

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