Summer Conference & AGM 2023 – Standing firm in a liquid world full of plastic people

This year our main speaker for the Summer Conference is our own Archdeacon Andy Grimwood who will be speaking to us on the topic of Standing firm in a liquid world full of plastic people, a subject he is in the midst of researching. We are also pleased to be able to welcome Bishop Stuart Bell of ACE who will also be speaking during the day.

Saturday 23rd September, 10am – 3.30pm

St Clement’s Church, 10 Church Street, Rhayader, LD6 5AY

As part of the day we will be having our AGM to which all members are invited to come and be updated on what we’ve been doing the last few years, to elect new officers to the exec, to discuss a possible name change, and to help shape our plans for the coming year and beyond.

After last years was postponed and ended up online again, and with the previous 2 years online we’re excited to be together in person once again and are looking forward to gathering with you all.

So that we can manage numbers please book below. There is also the option to have a cold buffet lunch, for which there is a small charge of £5. If you would like this please select that option when choosing tickets and have your card ready.

2 Responses

  1. Gwyn Price Evans says:

    Looking forward to the Conference.

  2. Robin Morris says:

    Thanks for organising the Conference, I look forward to attending and seeing everyone

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