EFCW has always been what its members make it. Over the years activities have varied, though opportunities for meeting and learning together have been at the heart of EFCW’s life from the very beginning.

The current pattern of events includes an annual day conference in the summer (when the AGM is also held), various local activities through the year, and an overnight residential conference once every two years for clergy and others in authorised ministry. All of these provide opportunities for building relationships between members scattered throughout the province – a source of real encouragement especially for those in isolated situations.
EFCW is keen to encourage evangelicals training for ordained or reader ministry, and support is offered in the form of book grants. If you fall into one of these categories and would benefit from help to obtain the books you need, please get in touch through the contact page.
EFCW also provides a limited number of discretionary grants to provide support for children and young people who would otherwise be unable to go on Christian holidays. For holidays lasting a week or more the grants are £50 for an individual or £150 for a church group, and pro-rata for shorter events. Grants will require references from church leaders. Please email enquiries and applications to the EFCW treasurer through the contact page.
Peter and Anna Bement work voluntarily as EFCW visitors. Their role is one of informal support: listening, networking, sharing information, and offering fellowship and encouragement. Although clergy are principally in mind, all isolated members fall within their brief

Current Issues
Although a fellowship and not an evangelical lobby group, recently EFCW has been increasingly active in presenting a biblical perspective at provincial level on key issues affecting the Church in Wales and the Anglican Communion.
In addition to this website, EFCW keeps members in touch through Bwletin, a magazine produced three times a year featuring topical items, theological reflections, and details of forthcoming events.
Canon Andrew Knight of EFCW has produced a parish study guide which examines questions such as ‘Why are you an Anglican?’, ‘Why use the name Evangelical?’, and ‘Why do you follow your pattern of life?’. The course is easily adapted for group discussions or personal use, or it can be used for a series of sermons or parish magazine articles.
You can download the course below: